Saturday, May 24, 2008

And so it begins...

In my last hours left in Minneapolis for a few weeks I constantly find myself thinking about what I must have forgotten or some small detail that has obviously slipped my mind..but in reality I think I have run through everything about 38 times...really. I am done packing, I know how I am getting to the airport...FINALLY..and it has all really came together quite nicely. After waiting for this more and more I am getting to the point where I am just ready to leave more more worrying...lets just go. To top it off all of the things that have been happening in SA...mostly Johannesburg....have really just made me want to suck it up and get going. I know everything will be fine and if you have followed the stories at all you know that our trip will be fine but its just another thing to add to the already full plate of emotions I'm dealing with. As I sit here now(12:50am) is all kind of 2 hours I'm going to go get breakfast with Cole at Perkins...then off to the airport with Brian and Cole..a SLIGHT stay at JFK aka 7 hour layover...then to Dakar, Senegal...Johannesburg, South Africa...and finally Cape Town! All in all I am finally ready to do this...wish me luck :)


Unknown said...

Thanks for the link to your site TJ! I hope you had safe flights there and are off on your adventure! Jenny

mom said...

Hey buddy! Hope you had a safe trip! Miss you already!
Love Ya! mom :0)